Friday 31 December 2010

My Favourite Makes 2010

Hi Guys, we are at the eve of a New Year and it is only natural that we want to look back over the passing Year. I love hopping around people's blogs at this time of year to see all their favourite makes and I've picked some of my favourites for 2010 to have them in one place. 

I was happy to find that I had a few favourites from 2010, you know how it is, sometimes you love what you do and sometimes you hate it (and sometimes both - do you get that?)!

 This year I found it quite hard to pick just 10 to show but I had to have a cut off point somewhere!

Enchanted Seamstress Picture from October

Mixed Media Gift Box from August

Life Tree Card from August

Live It Journal Page from September

Timely Rose Card from October

Walk In The Park Notebook from October

Had A Bad Day? Card from May

Mini-Us Anniversary Card from October 

Curiouser And Curiouser! Altered Book Page from April

Simply Handmade Card from June

It is fun to see how the work develops and the direction it goes through the year. A lot of my favourite makes seem to fall within the second half of this year. 

All years have their creative ups and downs, as I am finding out, and I definitely feel that I had a positive creative jolt in the second half of this year. I put a large portion of this change in my work down to starting to explore art journalling and a change in my own creative mindset. 

So it has definitely been a challengeing and interesting year for me. I look forward to seeing where it goes next year not just for me but for all of my crafty/arty bloggy friends, just the best creative community and I'm so happy to be a part of it!

Thank you for popping by and do leave me links to your 2010 catch-up posts so I can have a good nose :)



  1. Some of these are faves of mine too! :D Esp the TGF ones and that altered Alice book page.

    It's definitely interesting to see how things progress and go up and down during the year. And looking back at each piece, to remember what was going on when it was made.

    Here's to 2011! May it be a thoroughly creative year!!

  2. Very nice selection. And good idea to do.
    Happy new year

  3. so lovely to see a review of your work. Thank you so much for all your inspiration! cant wait to see what you make in 2011! Hugs Juls

  4. Ooh what a treat Kim, they are all gorgeous. Its so interesting looking back at the changes that have come about, its such a great adventure. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Annette x

  5. Some fab pieces of work here Kim, my favourite's probably the life tree. Look forward to seeing your creations in 2010. Happy New Year.

  6. you know of course I meant 2011!

  7. You truly make such beautiful things. Here's looking forward to a new year full of creatvity. I'll be watching this space x

  8. Kim you are so amazingly talented, I think you could have posted 2,010photo's and I would haved poured through each of them. Happy New Year to you!

  9. fantastic creations must of been hard to choose just 10 :D
    happy new year hun.

    xx coops xx

  10. Love your TOP-2010! Waiting for your new creations! :)

  11. Kim I always stumble with my words to express how much your work amazes me...

  12. Lovely makes Kim. I don't know how you managed to choose. S x

  13. Hi Kim, thanks for stopping past my blog today and leaving such a kind message. I couldn't help to take a peek at your blog. Your work is fabulous and all your pieces are so varied. I love the bright colour's etc. Wow! Wishing you the best in 2011.

  14. These are all wonderful art Kim, but I especially love your enchanted seamstress piece! x

  15. love the seamstress kinda grunge


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
