Monday 12 April 2010

Welcome New Teamies!

Hello All,

Did you have a nice weekend? Spring seems to be here in London, the sun was shining on Saturday, so much so that I even had my legs out! Being someone that is forever stuck in her trousers, wearing a skirt is a rare event but I was wearing a skirt on Saturday. I know - ShOck.

Don't worry no pictures were taken!- I would not want to loose any followers/subscribers!

Anyway, I've dropped by to let you know who Emily has chosen to join the Make The Day Special DT:

What a talented group of Girls! Go check them all out - you won't be sorry! I just can't wait to start working with them all!

Catch you all later


  1. Congratulations to you all. Anesha

  2. Thanks for the shout out Kim! So looking forward to joining you & Emily. x

  3. Thanks Kim! Super excited to be working with such talented ladies xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
