Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Wheels On The Train Go Round And Round!

Ready for a bit of Fiskarettes with one of the Fiskars Continuous Stamps, this one is called Choo Choo and you can see why can't you?!

It is only a simple make but there is a step by step over on the Fiskarettes forum if you are interested.

Enjoy your day.



  1. That's great Kim! I think cards for younger children can be much harder to source materials for than we maybe realise! We're used to cute images but they're often aimed at young-at-heart grown-ups! Images that are truly aimed at young boys are harder to find, I think.

  2. Oh that is brilliant Kim, loving the train, sorry choo choo, it is so perfect for a child (my Granddaughter loves trains too and would love this). Anne x

  3. This is really sweet Kim.
    C xx


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