Thursday 2 August 2012

Mixed Media Tag With ZIG Cartoonist Inks

I have some inky tips to share with you today, this post has been on the Kuretake Blog recently but I wanted to share it here as well.

But before I do don't forget to check out the new Kuretake Challenge - there is £50 of Kuretake and Basically Bare products up for grabs.

Back to my tutorial today, I've been playing with lots of inky bits and bobs recently and one of the new ranges I've been able to try out is the ZIG Cartoonist range from Kuretake which have been designed specifically with Manga and Cartoon artists in mind. But they have lots of other applications too and I wanted to show you how they can be applied to a mixed media project, so I've used the ZIG Cartoonist Sumi Ink and the ZIG Cartoonist White Ink for this Butterfly Tag.

As you can see I've also done a little bit of recycling too with old book pages and packaging.

I've covered the tag background with a coat of Gesso then used the ZIG Cartoonist Sumi Ink and nib to add the border. But that is all I've done to the background. The focal point on this tag is an ink blot butterfly and I wanted to share with you how I made it.

You Will Need:
ZIG Cartoonist Sumi Ink 
 ZIG Cartoonist White Ink 
ZIG Nibs and Nib Holder
ZIG Cartoonist Brushes
(Pipette - optional)
Old book page
Spare paper
White Card

To start you might want to practise making your ink blot Butterflies on spare paper before committing your old book page.

Fold the spare paper in half and use the dip pen and nib to draw a line with the ZIG Cartoonist Sumi Ink to act as a guide to drawing out the rest of the butterfly. You want to work relatively quickly so that the ink remains wet and a bit of trial and error will give you an idea of how much ink you need to get the kind of blot pattern you want. You can also experiment with the pipette to draw the butterfly too if you want a bolder ink blot.

Fold the paper at the pre-made fold and use your fingers to smooth and spread the ink out. Open the paper again to reveal your ink blot butterfly.

Now you can do the same on the old book page, just remember that each ink blot butterfly is unique!

I have another tip to share today and that is the making of the sentiment.

Spread the ZIG Cartoonist Sumi Ink with the back of the nib onto some white card and let it dry.

Write out the sentiment in the ink using a brush. Once the sentiment is dry tear the sentiment out letting the white card show and it is ready to stick to the tag.

Hope you enjoyed that bit of inkyness and will have fun with your ink blots. If you want to see another butterfly ink blot checkout my grungy boy card from May.

If you happen to be near the Greenford Hobbycraft I shall be there on Saturday 4th August 10am-4pm Demoing for Kuretake - see you there!

Have fun.



  1. Lovely tag Kim and great tutorial x

  2. oooh now this HAS got the old cogs in the brain turning!! This is fab Kim, now off to find me some white ink......!! xxx

  3. Is it ok that my mouth is hanging open???? This is fabulous Kim, just fabulous, Jo x

  4. oo oo need to try that butterfly effect. I don't have the ink you suggest but do have some pink ink somewhere. Thanks for the demonstration.


  5. Delicious tag - the variations on the neutrals are simply gorgeous... and the corrugated texture - yum! Thank you so much for the inky tutorial too... so much to try and so little time!
    Alison x

  6. What superb naive art! Rustic yet perfectly planned - love it! So different too.

  7. ...rustic simplicity at its best Kim, your Tag is beautiful...Mel :)

  8. Great tag, really like how made the butterfuly.

  9. A wonderful tag, the butterfly looks great.


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If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
