Monday 16 July 2012

Travel Sketching Saturday

What? No La-La Land Crafts Monday Inspiration post today? No, but if you drop by tomorrow I'm sure you will see some La-La Land Crafts! Well actually I know you will! The CHA in the USA starts tomorrow and I've been busy making samples.  So my samples are there even if I'm not!

But you haven't dropped by my blog for nothing, I have a personal project to share with you today some more of my sketching. I shared one of my little sketches that I had made into a card not so long ago. So here is another, this time a travel sketch from my smash / notebook.

We went up to visit my parents this weekend and the train trip meant I had some time to do some sketching practice. I always try to travel with something to sketch with, so me and my ZIG Memory System Writer pen are inseparable and for colour I took along some Derwent Graphitint pencils and my ZIG Water BrusH2O - another must have in my pencil case. 

We had a lovely trip and it was great to spend some time with my parents. Hope you had a lovely weekend and got some artiness fitted in too!

So now you are refreshed after the weekend and ready for a creative week?

Catch you later.


  1. Your sketching looks great, Kim! I can't draw to save my life so I always admire those who can. Plus that I love the fact that you have a Hello Kitty pencil case! :D
    Hugs, Milla

  2. I so need to have a bit more courage and put some stuff in my smash books.

    Good to see you enjoying your sketching.

    Toni xx


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