Saturday 27 June 2009

Almost There...

We have almost finished, the floor is down and we are now in the process of sorting out where everything goes. I still haven't got my craft desk up and working again but we are getting there. Hurrah.

I would post some piccies of the new look but I have no idea where the cord to download from the camera to the computer is! Hey-ho it will turn up.

On some upsetting news it seems that someone is trying to pass-off Shimmerz paints as their own product, Stacey is completely understandable furious and is going to follow this up seeing as Shimmerz is protected by intellectual property rights. But it is just unbelievable what some people will do to to earn a fast buck.

Anyway I have a Shimmerz card to cheer us all up :)

Ask me if we will be DIY-ing again, Er- NO!

Paints - Shimmerz Sunflower; Blingz Spiced Cider
Papers - K&Co
Usual Suspects - Paper trimmer; double-sided tape
Other - Seam ripper


  1. Love the card, Kim! So pretty.

    Hooray that you're almost done. :)

    The Shimmerz news isn't good. Poor Stacey. I can imagine she is pretty p'd off indeed. :(

  2. Just love the card and I must find out more about Shimmerz as this is new to me.

    Pleased to read that DIY is nearly over with, which must be a relief

    Look forward to seeing more of your creations

  3. Kim, you are such a great lady. I am so honored to have you on my team. Thanks for your support!

    This card is gorgeous!!!

  4. Can't wait to see the new look! Gorgeous card...perfect.

  5. Good lucky with the last shift of the DIY ... can't wait to see the end result. This Shimmerz creation is just stunning. Love the textures on it. Hugs from Desire

  6. Hi Kim,
    Do like the Shimmerz effect and love the texture on the card. Liz x

  7. Great card Kim...the shimmerz really is amazing!
    Carole x

  8. Lovely card, what a fantastic idea to use papers and lay them like that. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  9. As usual Kim, your card is gorgeous.
    Sorry to hear about Stacey's problems. Maybe if we all put out a word of warning to our crafty friends we can scupper any plans these thieves may have of making any money.



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