So back to a finished journal page for my Art Journal Sharing Thursday this week, but before I show and tell I just wanted to say how much I loved all your comments last week about your Art Journal resources, thank you! Sharing is the best therapy and I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one with a Journal/Notebook habit!
So journalators of all types, my share this week is a self portrait. Back in July 2012 I started a scrapbooking project that was all about me, well the idea behind it was to curate pictures of myself taken over the years. I'm usually the one behind the camera so I thought I would collect together the photos I could find that were just of me. Mmm, I haven't really progressed very far with the project if I'm honest, but I thought I might add to it today with this art journal page.
I have fiddled with the photo in Adobe Photoshop to get a stylised black and white photo and I've slotted it in next to a page I did at the beginning of the year in my A5 repurposed flier journal.
I've textured a layer of Gesso by pressing a piece of kitchen towel into it and then got nice and messy with some acrylic paint splatters. Can you see the lime green hand print? Yep, I got nice and messy!
The date records the date the photo was taken, the weird thing is I can't remember why I took this selfie, I'm sure it was for some project but I found it again as I was going through my photo library and thought it would be interesting to turn it into a journal page.
Her (my) eyes just follow you everywhere you go don't they? Oh yeah, I'm watching you! Ok, now I'm freaking myself out.
Thanks for popping in today and feel free to share any links in the comments to your journaling this week, specially if it is a self portrait, I would love to see them.
Catch you later Journalators.