Friday 1 July 2011

Alter It Monthly Guest Designer - Valley Of The Dolls

July is with us and for this month I'm guest designing for Alter It Monthly as my friend Anika is taking a little break this month and asked me if I would like to have a go. I love joining in with the guys over at Alter It Monthly, when I can, so I jumped at the chance!

I think that this month's challenge theme freaked out some of the design team hence why there are some stand in designers! LOL! But it isn't going to freak you out now is it?

Valley Of The DOLLS!

Ok so I did initially think of altering a dolls head but I've got to admit that would have freaked me out a wee bit too. So I scoured Ebay for some doll related articles and found knitting pattern books with lots of lovely doll pictures.

I've altered the back of the smaller mini-canvases from Crafty Individuals and added the bemused picture of a Sindy doll (you remember them? - I've just aged myself haven't I?) with packaging tape transfer.

Added a few of my favourite trinkets, some found objects, some nicely rusted.

The piece is called 'Thoughts In My Head' and now you all have an open view into what goes on! Although I think it is actually a little bit more chaotic in there usually!

Do hope you come and have a play over at Alter It Monthly this month the sponsors are The Artistic Stamper.

Have fun with this one.


  1. What a super piece Kim (I had a Sindy because I didn't like the Barbies LOL).

    Have a great weekend.

    Toni xx

  2. This is way more organised and sedate than what you're likely to find in my head. ;)

    Love it!! :) And yep, I had a Sindy doll. :D

  3. ooooh wow!!! this is just AMAZING!!!! so creative, each detail is just perfect! Hugs Juls

  4. As I said before, this is amazing and so not creepy. I could never have thought of that. Glad to have you with us on Alter it monthly this month!! Anika x

  5. This is brilliant Kim - what a clever piece! I loved Sindy dolls... I think I had her sister Patch (?) too. How odd the things you remember, Jo x

  6. Terrific quirky piece of art it. Annette x

  7. Oo, i do like this. Its great! And I had a Sindy doll because I couldn't afford a Barbi! Julie

  8. I have got no words, Kim! adore this item!

  9. A fabulous peice Kim, really insightful xxxx

  10. I'm coming in to admire this lady and bump up the non-cute comments! I love all the techniques and the colours - just the right kind of grungy pink. The curve of wired words is really great against the straight box edges. I'm glad you chose Sindy and not Barbie - she's the original with a bigger house and better legs. I couldn't have done heads either. Great DT piece!


  11. I love that you used the back of the canvases!!

  12. An inspiring piece of work, I had sindy and barbie, though I think I actually ripped the head off my sindy doll, guess I was too young at the time to appreciate her properly lol. Had a hand me down sindy yellow push car, it was quite big, but not big enough to sit in sadly.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
