Friday 9 January 2009

Wahoo - it is Craft Show time!

I have a bit of a dilemma - I love going to the craft shows but I always spend toooo much :) Being London-based I go to the London shows and there are three Spring shows on the horizon:

Stitch and Creative Crafts 28th Feb - 1st March in Excel
Stitch and Craft 19th - 22nd March in Olympia
Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show 18th - 19th April in Ally Pally

Now my Mum might be going to the Excel show, so that is a must. We went a couple of years ago and it was fun hanging out with me mum doing crafty stuff. Also they do more stitch than papercrafts so the temptation to spend will be very slightly lower :)

But the other two? Well I might just have to leave my credit cards at home and only take a tenner with me :( *SHOCK*

What is a craft obsessed girl gonna do? Any 'get extra cash' plans will be much appreciated.....


  1. Hi Kim
    thanks for visit my blog!!
    I love your creations...

    hugs elisabetta

  2. Oh I feel for you dear!! It would be hard not to spend money at a show but I would really not know for where I live there isn't any shows close to me. SO I just hear about everyone else going to them.
    Have fun though especially hanging out with your mother

  3. well shucks, now I'm tempted to go to all of them. I'm planning on going to excel with my Mum too, and I guess as Ally Pally is literally a stones throw from me, that I should go to that.

    Hope you have fun, whichever you decide to go to, and don't spend too much ;o)


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