Monday 1 February 2016

Revealed Today - PaperArtsy Eclectica³ {Kim Dellow} Stamp Range

Hold on to your hats, I'm a little over-excited again today because I am getting to share with you my new stamp range with PaperArtsy! I've been keeping this little secret under my crafty hat for a while now and I'm so glad I can share it with you at last.

I'm absolutely thrilled to be joining the PaperArtsy Signature Designers with my very own PaperArtsy Eclectica³ {Kim Dellow} range so let me introduce you to EKD01 and EKD02:

PaperArtsy Eclectica³ {Kim Dellow} EKD01 Stamp Set

PaperArtsy Eclectica³ {Kim Dellow} EKD02 Stamp Set

How Did These Stamps Come Into Being?

As some of you might know, I dabble in a lot of things – art journaling, card making, memory keeping, home décor – and I love a wide range of different styles from arty and messy to clean and simple. So for these stamp sets I wanted something that would have a versatility to it. Leandra and Mark, owners of PaperArtsy, were amazing and we worked together to go from some sketches and ideas to these lovely stamps and I think we managed to come up with something that can work with a variety of styles and I hope that you do too and that you enjoy using them.

There are texture stamps, background stamps, focal point stamps and sentiments with a little bit of cute and a touch of geometric repeats all thrown in!

Show Us How They Work, Kim!

Just wait until you see the samples that my PaperArtsy Wingmen put together; I mean that is when they really come alive! Leandra has put together a video showcasing the amazing samples that everyone did and the stamps themselves, so sit back and enjoy!

To see more from each of the designers using the PaperArtsy Eclectica³ {Kim Dellow} range, click on the photos below to go to their blogs or you can go straight over to the PaperArtsy blog to see more too.

Click on the picture to go to Keren Baker's Blog

Click on the picture to go to Tracy Evans' Blog

Click on the picture to go to Lauren Hatwell's Blog

Hope you liked the little peeks. A huge thank you to Keren Baker, Tracy Evans and Lauren Hatwell for all their amazing work and creative genius!

I am really excited that I can finally share this new range with you; I am going to be back in the week with the samples I have made but you can also see some of those on the PaperArtsy blog tonight too along with where you can buy these stamps as they are available now.

Share How You Use Them!

Don't forget that I always love to see what you make so, if you make anything with my new stamps, please do link them up to me in social media, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or come back and leave a comment on my blog with a direct link to your make.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you make and where your creativity takes you with my new range!


ps. To see another sample from me click on the picture below:

A tag made using the new Kim Dellow stamp range from PaperArtsyClick to go to the Summery Scene postClick to see the Hedgehog sampleClick to go to the Clean and Simple flower sample

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  1. Oooooohhhh! These are fab! I love the square ones. I need to check out the blog for suppliers...... Awesome. And fabulous cards from Keren - big fan of her work. Xx

    1. Thanks Ruth, glad you like them. Isn't Keren amazing? Love her work too! All the wingmen are amazing and I love how they all bought something different to the stamps.

  2. Fabulous release Kim, congratulations . I loved creating with these and I am now itching to get them back out again to start on more . Tracy x X X

    1. Thanks Tracy, I know I've said this before but your samples were amazing and I loved how you used the stamps :) Thank you for all your hard work!

  3. Love your new stamp releases Kim, especially set 2. Can see these working very well on fabric.

    Keren did you proud, am a HUGE fan of her creations and of the lady herself.

    Hoping to get my hands on set 2 very soon!

    Mo:-) xxx

    1. Thank you so much Mo, so looking forward to seeing how you use them on fabric :) Keren is amazing, I love her creations too. I thought the whole team did a wonderful job, they knocked my socks off LOL!

  4. I can hardly believe that anyone needs stamps for such basic, childish shapes. What a waste of time and money!

    1. Thanks for your comment and I'm sorry you don't like them.
      All the best

    2. It's so great that lots of people completely, unreservedly and unapologetically love your new stamps! Bravo to you!! I love how as different designers we can see so much potential from the same clever little shapes! Big hugs to you xx

  5. Kim, these are terrific. I can't wait to try them out. :)

    1. Thanks so much Tabitha I'm so glad you like them! Kx

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Valerie, so lovely of you :) Kx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
