Tuesday 15 July 2014

Everyone Needs A TARDIS In Their Life!

If you spotted my blog post from a couple of weeks ago you will know that my silence has been due to a house move. Lots of boxes later we are in! But I'm still not quite up and running, as you can imagine. Not helped by our phoneline being cut off 8 days earlier than we asked so I had no proper internet and all my plans to schedule posts for the blog whilst we moved flew out the window *sigh*. 

Best-laid schemes o' mice an' bloggers hey?

But I do have something to share today, it is a little different from recent makes as it is a commission card for a Dr Who-crazy kid, I mean who isn't a Dr Who-crazy kid? I know I am!

Mmm, if only it was real! Where would you go first?

I've got another Dr Who-inspired make to share later in the week (I hope!). It is good to be back properly online, I missed you guys. Was getting internet-withdrawal jitters.

I better go get my workspace more sorted out so that I can actually do some work.

Catch you later.



  1. WOW loving your Tardis card, it is awesome! You are definitely going to make someones day even better.

    Have you seen Craftytrog's Tardis images she includes in some of her challenges, you might like them too. She is on Twitter and WP blog under that name.

    Great to see you blogging again:-) xxx

  2. Happy new home Kim & love the card.
    C xx

  3. Wishing you all the best in your new home and hope the problems are soon things of the past.

    Love the card - perfect for a Dr Who fan.

    Toni xx

  4. Nice to know that you are safely moved into your new home and have access to get back online. I'm sure it will take you ages to get everything the way you want them. Nice card as well.

  5. Thanks guys for you greetings and well wishes!


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