Friday 21 June 2013

Did You Know?...

That the new issue of Simply Cards and Papercraft is out?

It is issue 112 and this month I've got a Sprays and Mists article using Cosmic Shimmer Mist, Ranger Dylusions Ink Spray and Studio Calico Mister Huey's Color Mists. But lots of other articles caught my eye this month so well worth a look-see!

Did you also know... that my Cricut Mini Giveaway will be closing in a few hours? Very last call to add your name if you haven't already!



  1. Good Morning Kim. Looks like another great read is in order this weekend. Thank you for letting us know. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  2. Oh, will have to go get that mag - I haven't used my CS mists for years!!

  3. Off to the shop to pick mine up... Have a great weekend... Hugs May x x x

  4. I will be getting mine on Monday Kim, I always look forward to it :))
    Look forward to seeing your Mists article.
    Huge Hugs Mau xx


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