Saturday 5 January 2013

News And Heads-Up, Magazines And Stuff.

I've dropped a bit behind on my Magazine heads-up notices. I'll be honest, I lost track a little bit of where we were with the magazines I had work in and when they were hitting the shelves. I like to check the issue in case my makes haven't made it before I start shouting about it and I think I missed a Simply Cards and Papercrafts. *Sigh* I think it might have got lost in the mail and that threw me a bit! D'oh!

I do these heads-up blog posts mainly for me to keep track of what I've had published and where, it is a bit more interesting to me than my excel sheet that I try to keep myself organised with. But I am wondering if there might be a better way of doing it and if readers of my blog are actually interested?

Well, for want of a better way of cataloguing and spreading the info on my magazine articles here are some heads-up! *Cheeky Grin*

So the magazine I have missing currently from my files is Simply Cards and Papercraft Issue 104 which was on sale in November - I only had two cards in that one, but I can't check as I don't have a copy - so apologies on both the late heads-up and not being able to check if the cards are actually in the issue!

But I do know that I have a little card in Simply Cards and Papercraft Issue 105 - (well spotted Toni and thank you!) and this was out in December.

Ok so another late heads-up, this time for Papercraft Essentials Issue 89 which came out just before Christmas. 

I got to play with the fabulous Washi 12 by 12" sheets from WRMK. Tee Hee!

I shall endeavour to keep more up-to-date with when the magazine articles hit the shops for 2013 or I think of some better way of sharing the info that isn't so narcissistic!

Before I go, don't forget my Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft® Giveaway. If you haven't signed up already you only have a day left to throw your name in the bag to win some beautiful colouring materials. Good Luck!

Final bit of info is that I'm having a bit of a craftroom clearout on Ebay if anyone wants to snag some bargains. 

Catch you all later my lovelies.


  1. Ooh Kim, please keep us informed - I do love to look out for features from crafters that I know, it makes it feel more personal and accessible! Hugs Sxx

  2. A gorgeous giveaway Kim !
    Thanks for the chance to win :)
    Happy New Year
    Love Katy x

  3. I definitely want to know when you are in so don't ever apologize. You could maybe have a header in your sidebar during the shelflife of the mags you are in, for ease of reference, in addition to the blog postings. One time I was on my way out to the newsagent and wanted to make sure I got the right issue and it would be a good quick check,

    Lucy x

  4. Always lovely to hear that you've been published....if I can, I always try and check the mag out, sometimes it's hard as they're in those blooming sealed bags!(wish I could buy them all but they cost a fortune these days)

  5. Hi Kim
    I keep a look out for you in the magazines I buy but please do keep us posted as I may miss one.
    I have just had my first apperance in the new Create and Craft magazine, it's a nice feeling.

  6. Congrats on the publications Kim - I love reading about them and seeing them in person when I buy the mags. Always like getting a "heads up" to keep my eyes peeled!

  7. Mega congrats to creative you! Beautifully done!

  8. Congrats on the pubs!! Thanks for visiting my bloggy! :)

  9. Congratulations on all the publications, Kim. I love seeing/hearing about these.

  10. Don't know how I missed this... but so great to catch up with all your publications - fantastic!
    Alison x


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