Tuesday 27 December 2011

La-La Land Crafts Inspiration Monday

Hey Guys, hope you had a lovely Christmas, or are having a lovely Hanakkah. 

Ok so I am having another day shift. The title says 'Monday' but the day says 'Tuesday'! You are going to start thinking that I'm having some sort of weekday blind spot after the whole Sunday-Wednesday debacle last week!

Well my reason for not posting this yesterday was that it was Boxing Day here in the UK, more Christmas celebrations for my non-UK readers, so I kind of missed posting my La-La Land Crafts Monday post - oops! But good things are worth waiting for aren't they? LOL!

This week the La-La Land Crafts Inspiration is Flower Power so I've used little Kitty Kat Marci with her Flower Power Flower and you can find her as a rubber stamp or a digi-stamp.

I thought she would look good in Sunshine Yellow!

Don't forget to check out the La-La Land Crafts blog for the DT makes this week. 

Have a Sunshine Yellow Monday Tuesday.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
