Monday 17 January 2011

And The Winner Is...

Yep I have the winner of my recent blog candy for you but before I announce who it is I just wanted to thank you all for joining in!

So the winner, as picked by, is:

Kevin from McCrafty's Cards

Congratulations Kevin! Please send me your mailing address by email (kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com) and I will get your stamp off to you.

Keep your eyes peeled for more giveaways from me :)


  1. Woo whoo thank you so much Kim you have made my day. im off to email you now.
    Thanks again
    Kevin xx

  2. Well done Kev. Congratulations. Annette x

  3. My congratulations!
    You are very lucky :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate every single one!

If you have any questions please email them to me kim(dot)dellow(at)gmail(dot)com or make sure you have the 'non-reply' turned off so that I can email you via your comment. Thanks!
