Friday 6 March 2009

What A Sweet Heart

I think my lovely OH, David, liked his birthday card as he has blogged it.

If you are interested in what I made for him then go spread some bloggy love over at Clandestine Critic where my man critics and reviews all the entertainment bits and bobs he loves. If you like your films, books, TV programs, comic books this is the place to hang-out.

(Ignore any of the soppy stuff in the post as I will go very red - LOL)


  1. sweet are you two??!!! He's a keeper :)

  2. Ah you lucky girl, wonder what he's after lol.

  3. Lucky girls. I'd say he's a keeper

  4. Am going to have to add his blog to my Google Reader, as I'm a comicbook fan myself. :)

    LOVE the Watchmen card, that is absolutely awesome.

  5. Awww so sweet and so lovely for him to say those things about you - not many men would in public !!Fantastic notebook and card though Kim and you have made him very proud.

    Well done kiddo !


    Jo x


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