Tuesday 17 March 2009

New Shimmerz Colours And Website

Shimmerz Paints has some lovely new colours: Shimmerz Blueberry Cobbler, Caramel; Choc-o-lot and Fire Engine Red and some fab new Blingz colours: Mellow Yellow and Under The Sea to add to their 39 Shimmerz and 11 Blingz colours.

You can have a look at these fab new colours and the other yummy colours in the range at the new website http://www.shimmerzpaints.com where you can order the paints directly from the shop.

Oh but wait there are some even cooler stuff on the Shimmerz horizon. What cooler than these lovely new colours? Yep! I can't really say any more except you might want to watch the Spritz space on the website - Tee Hee!

I can't wait - too impatient me :)


  1. Ooooooo'errrrrrrrr ... sounds lovely. Am off for a looksee.


  2. Gonna go check it out. I have never tried Shimmerz but I am going to have to get some. I keep hearing great things about them.


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