Wednesday 18 March 2009

Is It Really Spring?

Hey folks, we have had a few lovely, sunny days here in London so I'm kinda hoping that Spring has Sprung :) The daffodils are out in force and the parks and gardens are a wash with Spring flowers.

A change to the usual pace, no card today, but a photo I took of the Daffodils in Hampton Court a few years back.

Hope the weather is fair with you.


  1. hi kim
    lovely to see the flowers out, makes you feel so much better, fabby pic, sue.x

  2. Lovely daffodil pic Kim, really cheery. Up here in County Durham we have masses of crocuses everywhere, they're lovely, must try to take some piccies.

  3. Just cathcing up, you have made so stunning creations since my last visit, you are a very inspiring person hugs Pops x x x

  4. Love the picture Kim with this weather it certainly feels like Spring and it is so lovely to see colour back in the gardens.

    Lorraine x


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